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Wrist straps for pocket watches

Couple of new straps for pocket watches.

Paski na rękę do zegarków kieszonkowych


Strap for a pocket watch.

Wrist strap for a pocket watch. Pasek do zegarka kieszonkowego


Wide strap for a pocket watch

Wide strap for a pocket watch. Pasek do zegarka kieszonkowego

Wristband/wristlet for pocket watch

Wristband/wristlet for pocket watch.  Pasek na rękę do zegarka kieszonkowego.

Wristband for pocket watch

Wristband for pocket watch

Recent straps for pocket watches

Recent straps/wristlets for pocket watches

Wristbands/wrsitlets for pocket watches

Wristbands for pocket watches

Wristband for pocket watch

Wristband for pocket watch with – wide sqare back

Wristband for pocket watch

Wristband for pocket watch

Wristband/wristlet for pocket watch. Deluxe version, lined and stitched.

Wristband for pocket watch

Wristband for pocket watch

Wristband/wristlet for pocket watch. Deluxe version, lined and stitched.